Silicone Spatula and it's Features
Silicone is a synthetic chemical made up of silicone and oxygen compounds. It was discovered in 1824, as a most heat-resistant element. It is just like plastic but flexible, more heat resistant, less chemical emitter, and more trustworthy than plastic. Silicone has been very beneficial to mankind since its discovery. With all its benefits, one of the advantages of silicone is that it is used in making kitchen cookware. And the most useful silicone cookware is a silicone spatula. Silicone spatula set is the best among all other kinds of spatula due to the advantages it offers. In today's life, it has become a necessary part of one's kitchen. Now, let’s move towards “What is a silicone spatula? And what are its features?”.
What is a Silicone Spatula?
We all use any kind of spatula in our homes and kitchens, some use wood spatulas, some use plastic ones and others use stainless steel spatulas. A spatula made up of silicone is known as a silicone spatula. You might be listening to this for the first time but silicone spatula is the heart of the kitchen. A lot of people have been using this.
Shapes and Designs of Silicone Spatula
There are different shapes and kinds of silicone spatula set for every use in the kitchen. Some silicone spatulas are flippers and turners, they are flat spatulas, used in flipping and turning food in a hot pan. Some silicone spatulas are called scrappers they are used in scrapping objects from dishes. They are used to prevent sticking food in pans. Some silicone spatulas are straight spatulas, these are used for spreading creams on cakes and for a lot of spreading purposes. And the trendiest and most versatile design of silicone spatula is the fish spatula. These are used to flip delicate objects like fishes.

Features of Silicone Spatula
One of the best features of a silicone spatula set is its heat-resistant nature. Here you might be thinking what is the temperature range of a silicone spatula?
Up to what temperature does a silicone spatula tolerate?
Silicone spatulas are really popular as a result of the fact that they can withstand very high temperatures. The normal operating temperature range of the best silicone spatula is between -60°C and +230°C. However, it is the duration they are exposed to such temperatures that determines their ability to sustain their integrity in use.
There are specialized silicone spatulas made with a high-temperature silicone rubber material that enables them to handle up to +300°C in temperature.
Flexibility of silicone spatula
Whereas plastic spatulas are way too hard against silicone spatulas, the best silicone spatula would be one that is flexible enough not to break down and hard enough to sustain the food items. This feature of the best silicone spatula makes it more honored than all other spatulas. And in this matter, no other material can compare to the best silicone spatula.
Easy cleaning of silicone spatulas
Most plastic spatulas are easy to stick food on them which makes it difficult to wash and clean. The best silicone spatula gives you benefits on this spot. The silicone spatula is very easy to clean. There are no seams or cracks, and the removable parts are few. The one-piece seamless design of the non-stick confirms that your silicone spatulas won't trap any food particles. This makes the best spatula easy to clean by hand and completely dishwasher-safe. Silicone spatulas should be better within arm's reach. The hanging hole design of these spatulas makes it easy to hang on the wall.

The non-stick nature of silicone spatula
Many other materials like hard plastic, wood, and stainless steel hurt your pans and damage them. This is one of the failings of other materials: they scratch your pans, strip off the color, or even damage them in some form. But this isn't a problem with the silicone spatula at all. The best silicone spatula protects your silicone cookware from damage. And this definitely increases the lifespan of your silicone cookware.
Long Lasting nature of silicone spatulas:
As I have mentioned above, due to the flexibility and high-temperature resistance of silicone spatulas in extreme hot and cold temperatures, the best silicone spatula won’t break or melt. Plus, the non-stick nature of these spatulas prevents them from absorbing food odors. This means you need not worry about this and you don’t have to deal with any such issues with these best spatulas. All this probably makes the life span of a silicone spatula for a lifetime. It’s a great benefit, I think. Isn’t it?
Silicone Spatula - Safe to Use:
Yeah, the most common confusion about silicone spatulas is regarding the safety of silicone. Like, is silicone safe to use in cookware? So, yes, silicone is for sure safe over other materials. Much research has been done on this but no single research has shown that silicone is harmful to health or it releases any harmful chemicals. But take care not to use this silicone spatula above the heat limit that I have told you above. When it is exposed to above heat it releases harmful emissions which might be harmful for health. Otherwise, it’s safe.
When it comes to choosing a silicone spatula set for your silicone cookware, always prefer one that is lightweight, flexible, and has a decent grip. As these are the qualities of the best silicone spatula. I came to realize that silicone spatulas are best in every matter as compared to other materials. You should replace your all-plastic utensils with silicone cookware. And the reason is plastic releases harmful chemicals which will definitely cause damage to your food.