Refund Policy


Return Policy

We offer a 30-day return policy, giving you 30 days after receiving your item to request a return. Upon receiving your order, please inspect it thoroughly. If you find the item to be defective, damaged, or incorrect, please contact us immediately so we can address the issue promptly.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, in the same condition as received, and in its original packaging. You will need to provide the original order number, receipt, or proof of purchase along with your return request.

Initiating a Return

To initiate a return, please contact us or call us at the number mentioned. Returns should be sent to the following address: Room 1508, 15th Floor, Yaram Centre Office Building II, 625 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077. Once you have contacted us and your items are deemed eligible for return, we will issue a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA #). Please note that customers are responsible for the shipping costs associated with returning items.

Refund Process

Upon receiving and inspecting your return, we will notify you of the approval status for your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed automatically to your original payment method within 15 business days. Please keep in mind that it may take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund to your account.

Delayed Refunds

If more than 15 business days have passed since your return was approved and you have not received your refund, please contact us via email at

Nonrefundable Charges

Please note that all shipping charges are nonrefundable. Items returned without prior request for return authorization will not be accepted.